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Buyyani Srinivas Reddy

Buyyani Srinivas Reddy is the Founder and Executive Director of our organization. He sowed the seeds of the organization and paved the way for its continuous development. Highly proactive and quick in decision making, he makes sure the organization does not face any pitfall and in the case it finds, gets it back on the path of success. He inspires people with his dedication of customers which makes them realize the common goal of all of the organization --- to provide the best experience for customers.


“Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph: a beginning, a struggle and a victory.” 

– Mahatma Gandhi


Aravapalli Venu

Aravapalli Venu is the Executive Director and the Chief Financial Officer of the organization. His FInancial prudence is a greatest boon and with his prime analytical skills and insight, he ensures smooth financial operation of the organization. He harbors a crystal clear big picture of the plans and working of the organization and effectively communicates it to people. He always believes teamwork is key --- with the right team and objective, great things happen.


“Be undeniably good. No marketing effort or social media buzzword can be a substitute for that.”

– Anthony Volodkin



Buyyani Brijesh Reddy, A Young entrepreneur with a high track record. He is responsible for innovation, product management, engineering and quality and also oversees company technology operations, including strategy, innovation, planning, and implementation. Brijesh, holds a Mechanical Bachelor’s Degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)


“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

– Albert Einstein


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